-The Quality Assurance and Accreditation Centre of the university obtained an outstanding position among the five outstanding centers at the level of the Republic (March 2008).

-Technical support was provided to Faculties during writing quality projects proposals, and five new faculties were contracted on the date of 5/3/2008 from faculties of university on the project of establishing internal systems for quality assurance, which is (Engineering – Specific Education in Qena – Fine Arts in Luxor – Energy – Social Service in Aswan)

-Technical support was provided to faculties while writing quality project proposals, and five new faculties were contracted on 2/4/2009, From faculties of the university on a project to establish internal systems for quality assurance, which are:

(Commerce – Veterinary Medicine – Archeology – Physical Education in Qena – and Arts in Aswan)

-Preparing Proposals for obtaining funding to establish quality assurance units for the rest of university’s faculties.

-The Center’s team held (19) meetings of Board of Directors, which dealt with the most important points of development and quality systems that are being implemented and Applying it to faculties and departments of the university.

-A brochure was prepared explaining the definition of the center, its location, and role and how to contact it (2005).

-Number of (12) training courses were held to prepare TOT trainers capable of training their colleagues from Academic staff in total of 232 trainees (2007/2008).

-The center translated the forms of courses description, as well as the study programs, and the annual Faculty report, which was distributed to the faculties.

-The project’s administrative team prepared and designed new models for evaluating student laboratories, research laboratories, amphitheaters, libraries, and administrations, and distributed them to Faculties to facilitate their self-study.

-A guide has been prepared for the center that includes all aspects of defining the role of the center, the results of faculty visits, the university’s quality strategy, and some concepts and models related to the quality of the educational process.

-Forming a new board of directors for Quality Assurance Center to popularize the concept of total quality (2006/2007).

Project members actively participated in all stages of preparing and discussing the university’s strategy (2005/2006).